You might recall Larry Sinclair was the person who claimed to have smoked crack and had gay sex with Obama back in 1999. The allegation surfaced back in January 2008 via
an infamous YouTube video. At the time it was blown off as a crank who was just out to smear "The Lightworker", probably put up to it by the Clintons, who are not exactly squeamish about playing dirty.
Remember Vince Foster's little walk in the park? Well, that bad penny just won't go away. The story refuses to die, and in fact keeps growing and expanding. According to
a sworn affidavit signed by Larry Sinclair, Sinclair contacted Obama's campaign back in September 2007 concerning Obama's statement concerning when he had last used crack cocaine. Sinclair claimed that he felt that it was important that the voters know about Obama's more recent cocaine use. Sinclair wanted Obama to publically admit that he had used cocaine as recently as 1999.
Sinclair claimed that he had made a number of calls that were not returned, then in October 2007, A man identifying himself as Mr. Young called him back and interrogated Sinclair as to who he had told about the encounter and why he had not mentioned the sex angle. Since Sinclair claims to have not mentioned the sex and that Mr Young was the first to broach the subject, this would tend to indicate that Mr Young was well aware of what had happened in that Limo. a couple weeks later, Sinclair claims that Mr Young called back, and through his tone and content of the conversation, he claims it became clear to him that Mr. Young was not in fact a campaign staffer, but was in fact an intimate of Obama. Further, by this time, Sinclair had moved to Delaware and had not told the Obama Campaign where he had moved to, or how he could be reached, but yet they found him anyway, which indicates that he was the subject of some form of surveillance or investigation, which would seem reasonable given the circumstances. A week or so later he claims to have received a text message from Mr. Young stating that he was intimate with Obama and that he, Obama and Obama's pastor (that would be the infamous Jeremiah Wright) were discussing how to disclose the drug use and that he wanted to ensure that no mention of the incident had been made or would be made to anyone. Again in November another text message to yet a different undisclosed cell number in yet another state (Minnesota this time) that Obama was going to disclose his drug use and that there was no reason for Sinclair to disclose anything to anyone. By December, it was clear that Obama was not going to disclose anything to anyone and that Mr Young was merely stringing him along to milk him for information, so Sinclair decided to go public. Hence the Youtube video.
Mr Young turns out to be one Donald Young, an openly gay Choir director at Trinity United Church, and fourth grade math teacher. On December 23, Mr. Young was murdered in his home, and his killer has not been found. Mr. Young was not the only gay black victim of murder in Chicago, There were two other gay men that were murdered within days of each other, Kevin Clewer
(incorrect, see correction below), and Larry Bland. All three died within a 40 day period.
Now, this is starting to sound really fishy. It sounds to me like someone is going around and cleaning up behind Obama. It would appear that Larry Sinclair may have thrown a wrench into the works by making his video and publishing it online. Doing so, at the time seemed amateurish and cheezy, but Sinclair may very well have saved his life by doing so.
Now things really start to get strange.
In June, Sinclair was scheduled to appear in the National Press Club and give a press conference concerning the Chicago PD questioning him back in April about his contacts with Donald Young as part of his murder investigation. Apparently Joseph Biden III, Attorney General of Delaware, and son of Joe Biden, Senator from Delaware, had sworn out an arrest warrant for an alleged case of a motel room paid for with counterfeit money orders. Sinclair claims to never having paid for a single day, much less two weeks worth of room rental at a Rodeway Inn with money orders counterfeit or not. Whether he did or not, I have no way of knowing, but the Wilmington De Police had investigated it back in October and determined he had committed no crime. To add insult to injury, his first attorney dropped the case only hours before his case was to be called and informed him that he would not find representation anywhere in Delaware. A Houstonian by the name of Scott Covington, who himself has had run-ins with the law,
most recently having to make 3/4 million dollars worth of restitution to prevent being brought up on fraud charges in connection with fraudulent piano sales through his piano business, had tipped the feds off that he would be there. How he was aware of this, or why he felt the need to tip the feds off is still a mystery. Covington's connection with this is really unclear and his involvement hints that there is yet another aspect of this that has not come to light yet. Sinclair was incarcerated in Delaware from June 18 to June 23.
He claims that he was never mirandized, shown a warrant for his arrest, or given any indication as to why he was being arrested.Now, I tend to believe that these sorts of allegations, when they keep coming up and keep being reinforced with other allegations and circumstances, tend to be true in some regard. Lying is one of those things that is difficult to maintain long term when someone is intentionally trying to expose the lie. Mistakes will be made and capitalized upon. Eventually the house of cards falls.
My takeaway from all this is that Obama is bisexual (which means that he is actually in a transition phase and has not personally accepted being gay, so he convinces himself he is still straight, despite engaging in gay sex.) and has had sexual relations with at least two, and possibly more, men. Someone has been killing these men to eliminate any possibility that Obama could be compromised or blackmailed. Now, were the deaths ordered by Obama? That is an open question. Obama has been mixed up in Chicago mob politics for some time and is buddies with Rezko. It is entirely possible that the mob has decided that they have too much money and effort tied up in getting the first Chicago mob boss elected president to let allegations of gay sex and drugs derail things, so they have decided to eliminate the accusers, and Obama may merely be a figurehead, powerless to control the mob machine running his campaign, or maybe not. Maybe he really wants the power and will do anything to get it. At this point it's hard to tell who is really driving that bus that everybody has been thrown under, but it is getting mighty crowded under there.
CORRECTION: It has been brought to my attention that in my research for this I mistook one of the people killed for another. Kevin Clewer was not connected with this rash of deaths as his death had happened much earlier and the news story I came up with concerning him had no datestamp, hence my confusion. The third death was in fact another Trinity United Choir member, one
Nathaniel Spencer.