Friday, October 27, 2006

YouTube Googlebombs away!


Connecticut: Ned Lamont

Maryland: Ben Cardin

Maryland: Ben Cardin

Missouri: Claire McCaskill

Missouri: Claire McCaskill

Michigan: Debbie Stabenow

Montana: Jon Tester

Ohio: Sherrod Brown

Pennsylvania: Bob Casey

Tennessee: Harold Ford

Tennessee: Harold Ford

New Jersey: Bob Menendez

Virginia: James Webb


(AZ-5): Harry Mitchell

(AZ-08): Gabrielle Giffords

(CO-07): Ed Perlmutter

(CT-04): Diane Farrell

(CT-05): Chris Murphy

(FL-16): Tim Mahoney

(GA-03): Jim Marshall

(GA-12): John Barrow

(IA-01): Bruce Braley

(IL-06): Tammy Duckworth

(IL-17): Phil Hare

(IN-08): Brad Ellsworth

(IN-09): Baron Hill

(NC-13): Brad Miller

(NH-02): Paul Hodes

(NM-01): Patricia Madrid

(NY-20): Kirsten Gillibrand

(NY-24): Michael Arcuri

(NY-29): Eric Massa

(OH-15): Mary Jo Kilroy

(OH-18): Zack Space

(PA-07): Joe Sestak

(PA-10): Chris Carney

(PA-08): Patrick Murphy

(PA-12): John Murtha

(VA-02): Phil Kellam

(WA-8): Darcy Burner

(WI-08): Steve Kagen

Hat tip RightWingNews

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Zucker strikes again!

Ozone holes and environmental regulation

This year's ozone hole is the largest ever. But yet, ozone depleting CFC's have been banned worldwide for years. That bit of environmental regulation is often touted as a victory for environmentalism. But yet, the ozone hole continues to grow despite the ban. Here are the images from NASA, You can see for yourself:
This is what it looked like on October 21, 2004

This is what it looked like on October 21, 2005

And finally on October 21, 2006

I certainly see a pattern here but it is not the one we were led to expect by the global climatologists. If they can't predict this, what makes anyone think they can predict anything else with any precision?

A Public Service Announcement Concerning Early Voting

If you have recently moved and have not updated your voter's registration yet with the new address, or if you have recently changed your name due to a marriage/divorce etc. PLEASE early vote. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL ELECTION DAY. If you vote early, you will be allowed to vote using the ballot for your old precinct, you will have the opportunity to change your voter's registration data for the next go-round and, most importantly, YOUR VOTE WILL COUNT!

IF YOU WAIT, YOUR VOTE WILL NOT COUNT unless you go to your old precinct and vote there. If you go to your new precinct, you may be allowed to vote provisionally, but under most circumstances, other than making you feel better it won't matter. That vote might as well have not been cast. You will have wasted your time and the time of the election judge who must fill out all the paperwork required to allow you to vote provisionally. A vote that probably has less than a 10% chance of being counted.
Texas does not allow election day polling place registration/changes. The deadline for such changes was Oct. 10.

Take a page from the Democrats, Vote early, Vote often. =D

Monday, October 23, 2006

googlebombs away!

The following are googlebombs, not endorsements. The intent is to make the following links appear high on googles results list in an effort to make these articles more visible.


Connecticut: Ned Lamont

Maryland: Ben Cardin

Michigan: Debbie Stanbenow

Missouri: Claire McCaskill

Montana: Jon Tester

New Jersey: Bob Menendez

Tennessee: Harold Ford

Virginia: James Webb

Democrat Held Seats

(CO-03): John Salazar

(GA-03): Jim Marshall

(GA-12): John Barrow

(IA-03): Leonard Boswell

(IL-08): Melissa Bean

(IL-17): Phil Hare

(IN-07): Julia Carson

(NC-13): Brad Miller

(PA-12): John Murtha

(WV-01): Alan Mollohan

Republican Held Seats

(AZ-08): Gabrielle Giffords

(CT-04): Diane Farrell

(CT-05): Chris Murphy

(CO-07): Ed Perlmutter

(IA-01): Bruce Braley

(IL-06): Tammy Duckworth

(IN-02): Joe Donnelly

(IN-08): Brad Ellsworth

(IN-09): Baron Hill

(FL-13): Christine Jennings

(FL-16): Tim Mahoney

(FL-22): Ron Klein

(KY-03): John Yarmuth

(NC-01): Heath Shuler

(MN-06): Patty Wetterling

(NM-01): Patricia Madrid

(NY-20): Kirsten Gillibrand

(NY-24): Michael Arcuri

(NY-26): Jack Davis

(OH-15): Mary Jo Kilroy

(OH-18): Zack Space

(PA-06): Lois Murphy

(PA-08): Patrick Murphy

(PA-07): Joe Sestak

(PA-10): Chris Carney

(VA-02): Phil Kellam

(WI-08): Steve Kagen

hat tip Right Wing News

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

How to bathe a Maine Coon Cat

I know, you are thinking soap, water, hockey mask, chain mail, and gloves right? Eh. there is a little more to it than that. You see Maine Coon cats have exceedingly fine dense fur and a LOT of oil glands to go with it. As a result, the fur is dang near impermeable to water. Washing them adequately using just soap and water is an exercise in frustration (not to mention death by a thousand cat scratches). Therefore more extreme measures must be taken.

Here are the supplies you will need:
1 jar original Goop hand cleaner
1 bottle of original ivory liquid dishwashing soap
1 gallon jug of white vinegar
1 bottle pet shampoo/baby shampoo
1 curry comb, waterproof
Optional equipment as needed:
personal protective equipment as required (gloves, chain mail, hockey mask, etc.)
sedatives (feline and/or human) as required.
plenty of gauze and turniquets as needed to staunch the flow of blood.

Step 1:
Using the curry comb, brush the cat thoroughly to get as much loose hair as possible off. You may find that your cat may undergo an incomplete form of mitosis during this procedure, resulting in copious quantities of excess hair, often enough to make another whole entire cat, while not actually loosing any of her own. This is normal and expected. It is impossible to do this too much or too long, as the cat will continue to generate hair as long as you continue to brush. At no point will the cat go bald. this is a physical impossibility. The only exception to this is if instead of brushing you shave the cat. While doing so will certainly assist in the washing of said feline, it is rather embarrassing for the cat (and possibly dangerous for you). This certainly would fall under an alternative process category however.

Step 2:
After the excess hair is disposed of properly and the garbage trucks are on thier way to the landfill, or perhaps the clothing manufacturer, slather the cat liberally with Goop. Rub it in thoroughly in order to help loosen and dissolve the vast quantities of oil that the cat hair has absorbed. Scientists are currently studying means to exploit these oil deposits for use as motor fuel. However, current extraction methods tend to be rather hard on the cat and results in oil contaminated with vast quantities of fur and crushed cat guts and blood. And unfortunately results in a non-renewable resource as the cat gets pureed in the process. While Goop is non-toxic, it might be best if you can prevent your cat from attempting to lick themselves while this process takes place. Also try to keep the Goop out of thier eyes.

Step 3:
Rinse the Goop off the cat and then lather the cat up with the Ivory Dish Washing Detergent. While the cat is lathered up, curry comb the cat again to remove as much hair as possible. Make sure you have a strainer over the drain to prevent massive greasy furballs from hopelessly clogging the sewage system. Your MUD district/Public Works Department will thank you as will your neighbors.

Step 4:
Rinse the cat using a 50/50 mix of white vinegar and water. Ensure you keep the vinegar out of the cat's eyes unless you just like the feeling of having your flesh flayed by a very irate cat.

Step 5:
Lather, Rinse, Repeat using the baby shampoo/pet shampoo. Your feline is now soaking wet but clean. Use several large absorbant towels to both protect you from claw marks and dry the cat. Did I mention that Maine Coon Cats have very absorbant thick dense fur? Be prepared to work at this for some length of time, and even then, your cat may look like a very large and bloated drowned wharf rat, especially when your cat is as fat a mine is, (with a furry tail) for several hours afterwards.

good luck and godspeed....

Monday, October 16, 2006

Farrah Fawcett has Cancer

In a rather unusual placeā€¦
Here is a link to the original story.

Friday, October 13, 2006

The monolith has been discovered!

OK maybe not THAT monolith.....

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Zucker has seen the light!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

North Korea may be playing a different game than we think.

By now, everyone has read the reports that the North Korean nuclear test was a dud. I have however read a report that makes me think there might be something else going on, one that strikes me as very disturbing.

When people think of Nuclear Weapons they think big, like the Soviet Tsar Bomba, but there is a class of nuclear weapons that are known as low-yeild or variable-yeild weapons. They are a bit more difficult to make and maintain and require technologies that are not quite as easy to obtain from the open liturature. They usually require the use of different tamper elements or the use of tritium injection. Tritium injection can be problematic because tritium decays into He3 which can poison the reaction and tritium has a half-life of a little over 12 years. So maintaining such a device in a usable state requires constant work.

The Davy Crockett is one such device that had a variable yeild from 10-20 tons. This warhead was the lightest ever built and weighed only 51 lbs. This extremely low yeild is very close to the theoretical minimum for a fission device but is HUGE compared to it's size and weight.

I have read a report of someone who has seen video of the test, although I have been unable to find the video myself. This person describes the instrumentation trailers being so close to the collapse cone of the test well that had the bomb been any larger, the instrumentation trailers would have fallen into the cone. This gives strong evidence that the North Koreans knew exactly what they were doing and what the design yeild was. Everyone seems to think that they would be building a Nagasaki/Trinity type device. But such a device weighs far too much to mount on their Taepo-dong 2 missiles which, as ICBMs go, are exceedingly small. Therefore they have a strong incentive to be looking at variable and low yeild devices.

Lightweight low-yeild weapons also are ideal as terror weapons so NK would have a secondary market for them. And NK has never developed a weapons system that they have not sold on the open market. Just because our first Plutonium Nuke was a Trinity type implosion device does not mean that it follows that NK would follow our design steps. they have the benefit of knowing where we have been and what technologies we and the Soviets and the Chinese have brought to bear. They may very well leap-frog us. We have not developed a new nuke design in decades due to a lack of political will. They would appear to have no such compunction.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Case of the Missing Report, The report resurfaces!

This is starting to really get me wondering what in hell is going on. Guess what turned up on my fax machine last night at 11:12 PM? The missing/non-existant report, that is not supposed to be a report, but an "evaluation" and was supposed to probably be "a few PowerPoint slides"... well it isn't PowerPoint. It is a 4 page document with no NHMCCD or Gilbane logos on it so it will be difficult to prove where it came from, but there is something strange about the document. The cover letter has two fax machine headers on it from two different machines. The time stamps would indicate that they are some thirty one minutes apart, but only the cover page has two headers, pages two through 5 of the fax have only the later one. This would appear to imply that someone (Lampe?) faxed a cover page to someone else, who then faxed the cover letter along with the remaining pages of the report to me. There is a large amount of financial information here to support their claims. I will however be the first to say that I am unqualifed to analyse the information's validity or if there is something else that should be here that is not. I know there are people around here that are much better qualified to analyze it so I will leave that to you guys. I will say however that it could not have been developed without cooperation by someone at NHMCCD, and it was clearly written to justify a course of action by the board of trustees, so Laughter is clearly in violation of the law in claiming that no such report exists. I am currently in the process of pulling the caller ID report for that fax machine and hopefully by this afternoon I will know where the fax came from. It is entirely possible that it would NOT be financially viable to use the facility. I am unqualified to make that judgement, I CAN however say that the way in which this has been handled stinks to high heaven. If the NHMCCD Board will go to these lengths to obstruct the public's view of their stewardship of public funds, I have to seriously wonder what ELSE they have buried.