Call to protest answered at last!
Ree-C Murphey over at Lone Star Times has found that the Call to Protest has been answered! The venue and the date have changed, but the substance is the same. CLOSE THE BORDER NOW!
Where: In front of the Mexican Consulate on San Jacinto (how appropriate!) between Wheeler And Blodgett
When: Saturday April 22, 11:30-3:00 PM
Who: Do you really need to ask?
Unfortunately a prior engagement involving a Lawyer and a lot of paperwork will prevent me from being there in person. But I will be there in spirit.
Where: In front of the Mexican Consulate on San Jacinto (how appropriate!) between Wheeler And Blodgett
When: Saturday April 22, 11:30-3:00 PM
Who: Do you really need to ask?
Unfortunately a prior engagement involving a Lawyer and a lot of paperwork will prevent me from being there in person. But I will be there in spirit.