Pissing in the wind...
Hell, I'd be happy if I could just piss in the toilet.... I have an appointment with one of these tomorrow.... See you on the other side.....
UPDATE: Well, the Lithotrypsy went off as planned yesterday at 2:00. Luckily they could access it with me laying supine(on my back) so they didn't have to intubate me. But things weren't so fun afterward. I blew through 150 mg of Fentanyl in the time I was in phase one recovery, and it still didn't stop the pain fully. Once I had been moved out to phase 2 recovery, I blew through an injection of morphine and Phenergan as well as popping a Narcan (10 mg of hydrocodone and 325 of tylenol) only to still have the pain eventually build to a 9+ on the 1-10 pain scale. To top it off I needed to be able to urinate adequately before they would release me. After an initial successful attempt I was stuck. It would appear my ureter did not take kindly to being blasted with ultrasound and it swelled closed on me. (this is a common problem with me and kidney stones.) An injection of Toradol finally did the trick on the pain and swelling (it is a very strong NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) in the same family of drugs as Advil, Asprin, and Aleve) and I was able to finally get rid of the pain and enough urine to get me out of the joint around 8:30 last night. But of course along about 1:30 this morning the Narcan and Toradol wore off, necessitating another round of Narcan and Phenergan. I think it is safe to say I'm not going to make it in to work today....
UPDATE: Well, the Lithotrypsy went off as planned yesterday at 2:00. Luckily they could access it with me laying supine(on my back) so they didn't have to intubate me. But things weren't so fun afterward. I blew through 150 mg of Fentanyl in the time I was in phase one recovery, and it still didn't stop the pain fully. Once I had been moved out to phase 2 recovery, I blew through an injection of morphine and Phenergan as well as popping a Narcan (10 mg of hydrocodone and 325 of tylenol) only to still have the pain eventually build to a 9+ on the 1-10 pain scale. To top it off I needed to be able to urinate adequately before they would release me. After an initial successful attempt I was stuck. It would appear my ureter did not take kindly to being blasted with ultrasound and it swelled closed on me. (this is a common problem with me and kidney stones.) An injection of Toradol finally did the trick on the pain and swelling (it is a very strong NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) in the same family of drugs as Advil, Asprin, and Aleve) and I was able to finally get rid of the pain and enough urine to get me out of the joint around 8:30 last night. But of course along about 1:30 this morning the Narcan and Toradol wore off, necessitating another round of Narcan and Phenergan. I think it is safe to say I'm not going to make it in to work today....
Sending you GOOD thoughts!
Hope everything turned out OK.
(no pun intended)
Yowee! Ouchie!!!
Hope you're cured now. How awful. That kind of pain is probably equivalent to 30-years of cramps experienced all at one time.
I'm happy to be post-menopausal! I don't miss puberty, and I sure don't miss menopause. That was pretty crappy, too.
I still experience bouts of craziness, tho. I don't think anything can fix that. LOL
Ouweeee! Yowee! Thank goodness for DRUGS!
I hope you are feeling better now.
The only thing worse than pain when you wee is not weeing at all!
That explains your absence.... I was once lectured by an older maintenance guy at Mother Francis Hospital in Texas, about 20 years ago, about how good a feeling can be and how bad it is when you don't have one.
I listened closely and paid attention. He said that at his age (I assume in late 60s or early 70s) he explain the feelings about a bowel movement after 2 weeks. At that point I decided I was not going to touch that one!
I also had a stone stuck in the tube on one side, just before the bladder and it made it's way down like a sharp diamond tumbling in a space that was about 1/2 it's actual size.....
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