Monday, June 13, 2005

Who's afraid of the IRS?

Apparently not Daniel (AKA Danny) Halil, a Syrian with a green card. Back in 2001, he was the guy that bought Wenonah Blevins' $150,000 house at a foreclosure auction for $5000. Well, it would seem Mr. Hilal is back in the limelight. He owes over $22 million dollars in back taxes to the IRS. He also apparently owes a huge amount of property taxes and homeowners association assessments and dues. Apparently back in 1998 the amount owed to the IRS was only $9 million, he was ordered to appear in court by the IRS, but he never showed up. Was he arrested? No. Were any of his millions in assets seized? Guess again. NO ACTION WAS TAKEN! In fact when KRIV went looking for him to interview him about it, they found him in a Harris County foreclosure auction bidding on more foreclosed homes. After telling the reporter to get the (expletive deleted) out of his face, he proceeded to whip out a wad of $100 bills as big as my fist and hand several over to one of his runners to pay for one of the houses he had just won at auction. When the matter came up in court again this time, he proceeded file bankruptcy, claiming that he was mentally incompetent and checked himself into a loony bin and tried to get his brother to be appointed his trustee but an attorney was appointed instead, after which he immediately checked himself back out again. When the bankruptcy court filed a subpoena that same day for Mr Hilal's business records, He and his brother rushed to his home and his office and absconded with them before the attorney that was appointed trustee could get there to get them himself. Now Mr Halil is on the lam and hiding from the court. A bench warrant has been filed for his arrest. His family is not saying where he is. The real losers here are all of Mr Halil's renters and the people who are buying homes from his flipping business. Since all of his business records are missing, they have no way to prove they have paid their rent/mortgage payments. It would appear that Mr Halil has been working in a cash only mode for years and has been distributing that cash to his relatives in order to hide his holdings.

Hat tip KRIV And Edd Hendee over at KSEV


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